Crossing the Italian Constitutional Rubicon: A View from Outside
9.30 Welcome
Pierdomenico Perata (Rector, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies)
Yves Mény (President, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies)
10-12 Presentations by two lawyers and two political scientists
Chair: Emanuele Rossi (Professor of Constitutional Law, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies)
Luis Diez-Picazo (Constitutional lawyer, President of the Administrative Section of the Tribunal Supremo, Madrid)
Why a Constitutional Reform in Italy?
Carlos Closa (Professor of Political Science, Instituto de Politicas y Bienes Publicos (IPP), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), Madrid)
The Reform of the Senate in Comparative Perspective
Erik Jones (Historian and Political Scientist, Sciences Paris and Luiss Rome)
Not so silent partners: Market Perspectives on Italy’s Constitutional reforms
Marc Lazar (Historian and Political Scientist, Sciences Po, Paris)
Il referendum: leadership, partiti e sistema di partiti
12-13 Round table
Chair: Yves Mény (Political Scientist)
Lina Palmerini (Journalist, Il Sole 24 Ore)
Anaïs Ginori (Journalist, Paris Correspondent, La Repubblica)
Maria-Teresa Meli (Journalist, Corriere della Sera)